March 11, 2025
Infant Teething3

In most cases, the first infant teeth appear when your baby is only six months just when you’re about to get a tummy tuck. The growth of primary teeth proceeds until the infant is two years old. Sometimes the baby may grow their first milk teeth later than you expect. You have to be patient, to see your child’s first set of teeth. Nothing is wrong with the baby having their primary teeth at seven months or later than that.

Infant teething is a crucial stage in a child’s dental. Therefore, every parent needs to know more about the process so that they do the right thing to ensure their children do not succumb to common dental complications such as teeth breakage and decay. Read through to learn more about ’infant’s teething process.

More on infant teething

Expect the first baby teeth before they turn one year old

Ideally, you should be expecting to see the first two front teeth on your baby’s jaws before they are one year old. Some babies may not be in a hurry to grow milk teeth. In this case, you should not worry about it. The baby will soon grow some teeth. When your baby is almost teething, they will begin pooling their hands into the mouth.

By the age of three, your child should have both the lower and upper teeth intact. They will start shedding their first teeth when they turn six. In some cases, the child can shed off their milk teeth by the time they hit five years old.

Use fluoride to prevent tooth decay in infants

Once the child develops their first set of front teeth, it is time to add fluoride in their diet. This can help in preventing the infant teeth from decaying as more tooth sets in. You don’t have to buy fluoride supplementsto give the baby. Your tap water contains fluoride. Give the baby this water whenever you want to start feeding them any solid foods. You can also consult your baby’s pediatrician to find out if you can add some fluoride supplements to the child’s diet.

How to soothe the infant teething pain

When your child begins showing signs of teething, they may experience a lot of pain. So, how do you minimize the pain and ensure your child can have some sleep overnight? To reduce the pain the child experience during this period, you can offer them something cold or massage their gums. You can massage the baby’s gums with a clean, soft cloth or using your clean finger.

Sometimes the baby’ temperature can rise to 38 degrees Celsius,especially during the night. In this case, you can talk to your pediatrician for some diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe some Acetaminophen and Brufendrugs for the baby to reduce the fever. Do not give your child any medications without a prescription from the pediatrician.

You can also give your baby some teething biscuits when they begin to grow their first set of milk teeth. Ensure you watch them while eating the biscuits to avoiding chocking. Note that eating biscuits when the child has a complete set of milk teeth can result in tooth decay.


There is a lot to learn about infant teething. Some may be beyond the scope of this article. Ultimately, it is crucial to know how to take care of your child’s teething to help them bypass the common dental complications that most infants experience.