March 13, 2025

The flu (influenza) is an illness of the respiratory system’s nose, throat, and lungs. The term “flu” refers to influenza. It is not, however, the same as stomach “flu” viruses that cause diarrhoea and vomiting. It can cause mild to severe sickness and, in the worst-case scenario, death. The approach to avoid the flu is to obtain a flu vaccine every year. The flu is a viral sickness caused by the influenza virus. It produces severe symptoms like head and body pains, sore throat, fever, and respiratory problems. Flu is most frequent during the winter when many individuals might become ill (an epidemic).

Influenza Virus Types:

Influenza viruses get classified into four types: A, B, C, and D. Human influenza A and B viruses produce seasonal outbreaks of sickness (known as flu season) in the United States practically every winter. The only influenza viruses known to generate pandemics or worldwide outbreaks of flu sickness are influenza A viruses. To get more information about this virus type check this link


Type A:

  • Causes mild to severe disease
  • It happens to people of all ages.
  • Influence people and animals.

Type B:

  • Type B causes less severe illness than type A.
  • Influence children and occurs exclusively in humans

Type C:

  • Rarely reported in humans.
  • There are no outbreaks.

Influenza type A:

Type A influenza virus gets classified into subtypes depending on the presence of two glycoproteins on the virus’s surface. Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase are two glycoproteins (NA). Antigens are chemicals that, when introduced into the body, induce antibody formation. Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are examples of antigens.

Viruses of Type A circulate in pigs.Pigs are vulnerable to avian, human, and swine flu viruses and they can become infected with influenza viruses from many species. If this happens, the genes of these viruses may combine (reassort) and form a new virus.

Influenza Type B:

These viruses are often found solely in humans, and while they can cause morbidity and mortality, they get linked with less severe outbreaks than influenza A viruses. Although influenza type B viruses have produced human epidemics, no pandemics have occurred. Influenza B viruses mutate genetically at a slower rate than influenza A viruses.

Influenza Type C:

Influenza C is less frequent and has received less attention than influenza A and B. It may cause sickness in humans and pigs, and it is believed that many people get exposed to influenza C as children. Its capacity to change is limited. Although isolated outbreaks have occurred, influenza C gets regarded as unlikely to create a pandemic.