You’re looking in the mirror at yourself. You may not be overweight, in fact, you may be quite skinny, yet a double chin stares you down. The tough thing with double chins is that they’re usually hereditary, so no amount of fad diets or drill-sergeant fitness regimes will help you get rid of them.
So, what’s your next course of action? More information on the non-surgical double chin treatment Kybella, as well as some of the important benefits to consider, may be found below. Only Aesthetics provides the best deal for double chin reduction in Singapore. Check them out today.
- Non-Surgical
Kybella is a double chin treatment that uses a series of injections to remove fat beneath the chin. The same results can be achieved with liposuction, but at what cost? For one thing, there’s a lot of downtimes. Risky side effects could also be an issue. Our non-surgical double chin treatment requires no downtime or recuperation, and the side effects are mild and quickly vanish.
- Efficient
Some non-surgical aesthetic treatments don’t give the same dramatic outcomes as their surgical counterparts. Kybella, on the other hand, destroys the fat cells behind the chin, effectively eliminating your double chin. Although results may take longer than with other surgical procedures, the overall goal remains the same. You may say goodbye to your double chin once you’ve completed the required amount of therapy sessions.
- Safe
Kybella is the only injectable that has been approved by the FDA to treat submental fullness. After your treatment, the most you’ll notice is moderate bruising, swelling, and possibly some redness. This double chin procedure is completely safe, and it could be exactly what you need to achieve that sleek, chiseled profile.
- Permanent
Although there are several non-surgical double chin treatments available, Kybella is the only one that provides long-term results. Fat cells cannot regrow once they have been dissolved. However, you should be warned that excessive weight gain may encourage other, untreated fat cells to sprout, leading to the reappearance of your double chin. After you’ve achieved your Kybella goals, the best method to avoid this is to keep a healthy lifestyle.
Kybella isn’t a reversible way to get rid of a double chin. In fact, noticeable benefits come within a few weeks after the initial therapy session and are usually permanent. You shouldn’t need any additional therapy after that. Excess fat cells will be permanently removed, giving you a younger, more refreshed appearance.