Interactive medical practitioners are talented and qualified in the provision of holistic and mainstream healthcare services. These are the specialists responsible for prescribing antispasmodic for IBS, science-backed massage or meditation, or even SSRI for anxiety. An integrative medicine practitioner doesn’t start offering the care and treatment services before they have learned all about you. They will ask necessary questions to help them better understand you so they can give the best prescription for your kind of condition.
One core integrative medicine approach used by qualified practitioners is acupuncture. This technology involves inserting hair-thin stainless steel needles into the patient’s skin on the exact areas where they are experiencing pain. As per the National Institutes of Health, acupuncture is one of the best treatments ideal for treating conditions such as vomiting, pain, menstrual cramps, osteoarthritis, asthma, and nausea. It works by stimulating your nervous system to discharge chemicals that combat the painful feeling.
Biofield therapies
Biofield therapies have the power to manipulate and improve the body’s ability to heal. The most famous biofield therapies include polarity, reiki, qigong, and healing touch. These treatments involve gently touching the parts of the body that are experiencing the pain to relax, promote balance, and enhance the body’s ability to heal faster.
This is another common integrative medicine treatment approach used in alternative and holistic treatment centers. Hypnotherapy is calibrated such that it will help improve someone’s ability to focus as well as promote relaxation while reducing stress and pain. Hypnotherapy is widely reputed for its unmatched skills when it comes to inducing the feeling of relaxation and healing in patients. The technique has been used extensively to replace painkillers in alleviating vomiting and nausea.
Many mindfulness techniques are known to aid treat different kinds of diseases and conditions. Mindfulness techniques work by making people achieve the optimal realization of the truth of what is happening to their souls and physical body. It does help someone to reflect on their health and life, something which promotes healing. Mindfulness techniques include but not limited to meditation, mindful-eating methods, and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques.
The last commonly used alternative medicine technique by integrative medicine practitioners is yoga. Yoga seeks to address the issues of the mind, soul, and body. It involves engaging in various meditation techniques, physical postures, and breathing exercises that aim to help you achieve total awareness of your real self.
Yoga’s core role is to integrate and balance your soul, mind, and body, helping in the optimal realization of streamlined energy flow, while boosting the body’s ability to heal naturally. Yoga is often used to strengthen weak muscles, relieve tension, stretch your tight muscles, and relax your muscles and body. Yoga can be combined with a proper diet to help improve its efficiency and enable someone to realize optimal healing.