Basically, the young children are very intuitive, and they all pick up even smallest of the details in the behavior of their parents. Children are learning most of things from their parents by watching and also mimicking them as their parents. This is much important which the parents recognize the magnitude of being well rounded good, positive role model to the children.
Children originally pick on some smallest details of the behavior of the parents. They are all instinctively tunes into some body languages, the tone of voice, facial expressions, and of course pronouncing the words and the common words which we are choosing. This is for these reasons which the parents need to pay certain range of attention to how they are communicating not only in verbal form, but also to be aware of more subtle cues such as the facial expression tone of the voice and body languages.
Basically, children learn many things from the following parents lead. They learn what the behaviors are socially acceptable. They all learn this by applying some logic which whatever their mom and dad does is much more acceptable, whether from their behavior like the parents may be the right or the wrong fact. They all base these conclusions on the behavior of the witness. If for the example, the young boy see their dad shouting and yelling at the mom, or just speaking disrespectfully to the mom, the young child will think of nothing on treating their mom, or some other female personality in that role, in same unacceptable manner. Children will learn everything from their parent, so be careful to act in front of the children. Everything would be noticed by them and they learn everything from you alone.