Having a toothache is an awful experience every one may have experienced in their life. Toothache can happen due to a variety of reasons. But pain is not always caused by tooth decay. You may have a tooth abscess. As an Oakville emergency dentist’s definition,” tooth abscess is a cyst of contaminated material called pus in the teeth or gums.” The cause is a bacterial infection. Actually, tooth decay can lead to a tooth abscess. It can also occur in other ways if the tooth is broken, damaged, or chipped. Enamel pores cause bacteria to infect the center of the tooth. The infection may spread from the roots of the teeth to the bones that support the teeth.
How to Know If There Is a Tooth Abscess?
The most common sign of a dental abscess is a severe toothache. A severe toothache is often an unbearable pain that makes the person rush to an emergency dentist. If there is a tooth abscess, there may be a sudden severe pain, which worsens as it spreads. This pain will go through the jaw, ears, and part of your neck next to the abscess. When the pain increases, it is usually challenging to sleep on the other side due to the pressure.
The next sign of a tooth abscess is swelling of the face and even redness and tenderness in the skin tissue. Besides, if there is a dental abscess, teeth may become loose and move slightly in the gums. This is especially a common sign of periodontal abscesses. When you are suffering from a dental abscess, you will get sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks. You will also have difficulties swallowing food. An awful taste in the mouth and bad breath are other issues that patients complain about. When the tooth abscess develops and gets more severe, the patient may experience a high temperature. If you have any of these mentioned signs, you should see an emergency dentist right away to have your oral abscess checked and treated immediately. Remember that if you ignore these symptoms and do not see an emergency dentist, the condition becomes more critical, and you may have breathing problems.
How an Emergency Dentist Treats Dental Abscesses
Treatment of dental abscess usually requires a two-pronged approach. The emergency dentist must first drain the abscess, remove and clean all the pus. Second, then the emergency dentist will prescribe antibiotics to help you fight off any remaining infections. This is not always necessary.
Infection inside the dental pulp means that root canal therapy should be done. The emergency dentist will try to save your tooth if possible, and this may mean root canal treatment. In this case, the dentist removes the tooth pulp, drains the abscess, and then fills the cleaned pulp.
As the last resolution, when the tooth is not saved, the emergency dentist may decide that tooth extraction is the only solution, in which case replacement of the tooth with a prosthesis, bridge, or implant is recommended.
Bacterial infections that cause abscesses can spread and lead to severe complications if left untreated. If you suspect having a dental abscess, explain your problem to your dentist so you can make an emergency appointment.