Due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, most people have started working from home, an informal environment than the regular office space. Lying on the bed and working on the laptop, sitting on the settee for hours to work, or an informal desk, this means, we are putting our body in a different posture for hours, which could lead to pain in the neck and lower back. Here are some tips that will help you with keep off your back and neck pain when working from home –
Look Straight and Work
When you view at the laptop/computer, you must have a comfortable view. It should be positioned in a way that you don’t have to look down on your screen, or twist your neck to have a clear view. Some people work with their screen positioned on the sides, with the keyboard and mouse before them. This will end up with neck pain from the swivelling. The professional Physio Perth experts’ advice that you could put up a pile of books or use a cardboard box to raise the height of the screen so that you get a straight view.
Don’t Work Facing a Window without screens
When you face the window without screens, there are many chances that you will be looking directly into the light. This might cause visual eye strain. So the experts in Physio Perth recommend putting on the screens on your window when you work to avoid glare from the light.
Read Documents with your Neck Straight
When you read from the paper, phone or iPad, there are chances that you will have to continuously move your head up and down. This might end up with neck pain. So, if you are reading a material, use a document holder or a stand to put the papers or device on it and read comfortably.
Sit Upright
When you bend forward in your chair, your lower back also bends towards your belly. This puts a lot of pressure on your intervertebral lumbar discs, causing back pain. So, you must sit in a posture, where your spine is supported. Moreover, when you sit on the chair, sit comfortably with the whole of your body weight being supported by the chair’s back. In case, if your chair does not offer good lower-back support, the Physiotherapist Perth, recommend you to use a cushion or rolled-up towel to support your back.
Put Your Feet on the Floor
When you sit, make sure to rest your feet on the floor, or use a foot support. You can either use a cushioned foot rest, or use a box to rest the feet. Don’t dangle your feet in air, or pull the feet under the chair, as it limits the flow of blood to your lower legs, putting you at the risk of vein thrombosis.
The physiotherapy Perth experts also recommend fixing a schedule to walk a length, do Pilates or soft yoga postures to keep the neck and back pain at bay. If you are struggling with pain, even after doing all of these things, get the help of a physiotherapist immediately!